2018 Ensign Class Association National Championship Regatta

Sunday, August 12, 2018 to Thursday, August 16, 2018
Barnegat Bay, NJ
Seaside Park Yacht Club
201 South Bayview Avenue
Seaside Park, NJ 08752
Hosted by Fleet 63
Welcome back to Barnegat Bay for our 7th National Regatta.
Sunday - Registration, Launching, Seminars & Opening Cocktail Party
Monday - Racing and Dinner Party
Tuesday - Racing and Free Night
Wednesday - Racing and Shore Dinner at SPYC
Thursday - Racing, Hauling, Awards Dinner
Registration Closes on August 1, 2018!
Save $75 when you register by July 7, 2018
Click here for the Notice of Race
Final Results for the ECA 2018 National Championship Regatta
Art Petrosemolo - nauticalphotography.us photographed the 2018 ENSIGN CLASS National Regatta on August 13 & 15 at Seaside Park Yacht Club
Images from the event areposted on the nautical photography website and you may download, without charge, images for your electronic devices. If you desire a high resolution file, contact Art at: apetrose@icloud.com or 908-770-5507.
Photos from the Nationals are published here.
Racing will be directly in front of SPYC and spectators can watch the races from the Club upper deck.
This is a summer resort area so please arrange housing early.
For possible member housing contact EnsignFleet63@comcast.net
For hotels and motels, please see our housing page.
Whether or not you are sailing in the regatta you will be able to order hats and three types of shirts through the registration process. The logos on the hats and shirts are shown below. All hats and shirts must be ordered by August 1.
Printed on Hats and Polo Shirts
and on the left chest of the T-shirts and Tech shirts.
Printed on the back of the T-shirts and Tech shirts.
Watercolor by Virginia Perle
All people sailing in the regatta will be required to sign a Disclaimer of Liability.
If you are a Contestant or Crew. Click here to fill in and sign the Disclaimer.
A set of instructions have been created to guide you through the online registration process. Click here for the online registration instructions.
Click here to register online (pay by credit card or check)
Click here for mail-in paper (PDF) registration form (check only)