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ECA Logo Version 11 

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The following trophies are awarded each year at the National Championship Regatta:

The Pearson Perpetual Ensign Trophy, symbolic of the Class Championship, shall be awarded to the winner of the annual National Championship Regatta.

The Most Beautiful Ensign Trophy, to recognize pride and enthusiasm in the upkeep of one's Ensign, shall be awarded at the National Championship Regatta. Any Ensign owner may compete for this trophy, the winner of which will be selected by a panel of judges. The criteria for this award will be based on but not limited to rigging, ingenuity, surface finishes, and overall presentation. No boat may win this award two years in succession.

The Sea III Trophy, given in honor of Charles R. Sligh III by the Ensign Class Association, may be awarded annually at the National Championship Regatta to recognize a person who has exemplified outstanding sportsmanship or made exceptional contribution for the benefit of the Ensign Class Association. Any member of the Association is eligible for selection. The selection committee shall be appointed by the Commodore and chaired by the immediate past Commodore of the Association.

The Faget Trophy, given in honor of Past National Champion William Faget, by the Faget family and North Sails, shall be awarded annually to the boat winning the last race of the National Championship Regatta

The Ray and Ann Torpey Award, presented by the Torpey Family, in honor of their parents who introduced them to sailing, is awarded annually to the winner of the first race of the National Championship Regatta

The Doug Wood Mid Fleet Award, offered in honor of Doug Wood by his family, will be presented annually to the skipper who finishes “mid fleet” in the National Championship Regatta. Mid Fleet shall be determined by the number of total contestants divided by two. If there is an uneven number of contestants the award will be presented to the contestant with the higher placement. (i.e. if 41 boats… half is 20.5… award goes to skipper in 21st place.)

The Youth Championship Award offered by Ensign Fleet 35, Marquette, Michigan, for the highest finishing youth boat at the National Championship Regatta. A youth boat is one crewed entirely by sailors 24 years of age or younger on January 1st, the year of the Regatta. The Youth Championship award will be presented annually when two or more youth boats compete."

The Ensign Spars Perpetual Trophy is awarded to the winner of the ECA Nationals JAM Division Regatta.

The above eight trophies shall remain the property of the Association. Custody will be awarded to the respective winners each year and remain in their possession until awarded to their successors

Other trophies shall be awarded as determined by agreement between the Championship Committee and the Governing Committee.

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