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Mid Winters
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Hi Robert
Contact me directly anytime

I will send you my telephone number 

Is there a contact person for addl info for the Regatta?
 The NOR says crane launching on March 20th. Is that the only date for the crane? I doubt we will get there a week early for that. I've never launched a 3 foot keel boat on a ramp before. HA! 
Is there a Gin Pole to set the masts? 
I was able to locate the Registration. Thanks. But a direct link would be nice. 
Bob Panico   
Hi Vic, 

I will try to get one.

Fran – a direct link to the registration site would be better, if they have one.




Thank you Mike and Vic!  Looking forward to a great regatta.  I will let CSC folks know about the issue but sounds like Vic has a good fix.



Something very strange is going on with the mid-winter registration link.


If I use the Register Now button on the ECA website, I get a page that requires a Columbia Sailing Club login to proceed. However, if I first go to, I get EXACTLY THE SAME URL I had before, but now there are registration options for both members and non-members of CSC.  Since the URLs are the same, the different behavior most be caused by the referring website, though I’m not sure how.   


To fix this I’m going to replace the clubspot link I got from Fran with a link to, and ECA members should then click on:


Registration for the 2025 Spring Sailing Programs is now open!       Click Here for Registration









I was able to register for the mid-winters by logging on to the Columbiana Sailing Club web page that is linked to the ECA web page.  From the Columbiana Sailing Club menu, select racing, regattas, and then you will see the registration for the mid winters.  When I clicked on registration now,  I then selected Non-members, continue without logging in, new participant.  Hope it works for you.

 From the various communications I have seen, it looks like we could have a great turnout this year.  Looking forward to seeing you there. Mike

Does anyone know the status of the registration for the Mid Winters? When I try to register, I get a link for the Lake Muarry Sailing Club Membership.

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