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Blade Track Installation at New Class Location
John Cutler

I recently completed a DIY project to move my blade tracks to the new ECA location, i.e. "17.5" abeam of a point on the centerline measured 7'-6" aft of the foremost stemmed fitting hole."Part II. 6.E. I elected to move my existing tracks in lieu of leaving the existing tracks and buying a new set of tracks. My master woodworker friend helped me keep a steady hand and true to the measurements required. The project steps were; 1) Measure to locate the new tracks; 2) Mark the new hole locations. Check track alignment with location of the interior caddy cabin "ribs." Missed the stb. side one, but not the port side. Decided to leave out the bolt at that location; 3) Drill 1/4" holes completely thru deck; 4) Drill 3/4" holes with hole saw and wood stop so that the interior fiberglass layer is not cut; 5) Carefully remove 3/4" plug and some of adjacent balsa wood core; 6) Apply duct tape over 3/4" holes, then cut out 3/4 to expose holes; 7) Apply tape to cover 1/4" hole in buddy; 8) Using West System 105 and 205 hardener-Part 2, apply three layers of epoxy: 1st - 1/3 full; 2nd - 1/3 full; last layer thicken epoxy so that it can be tapered to match slope on deck; Allow 1 hr between each application. 9) Tape underneath side of old holes; 10) Fill 1/4" holes with epoxy; 10) Apply 4200 sealant underneath track at each hole and to seat bolt in track. See attached photos.


John E. Cutler

Past Commodore Ensign Class Association

#1029 - the other woman

Fleet 2 - Fleet Captain

Michael Macina
Do you notice much of a difference in performance based on the new track location?

Sent from my iPhone

Bud Brown


Sounds like that installation might not ever leak or fail.

A lot of work though, and perhaps a little overkill, not to criticize the one and done philosophy, in which myself and many certainly believe.

Oversized fender washers on the underside to grab surface area and the standard beveled hole / butyl tape method of mounting deck hardware is how I intend to remount my blade tracks, foregoing the oversized, epoxy-filled 3/4” holes.

Good point to check the locations of the 1/4” holes inside the cabin before drilling. The underside, reinforcing deck gussets sometimes align with the exact location where the track says there needs to be a hole. (Thanks a LOT, Murphey!) Perhaps drill a very small hole (1/16”?) just forward or aft of the gusset from inside the cabin to quickly locate the gussets on the deck, position the tracks and then fill the small hole afterwards? No one likes drilling holes anywhere on a boat but the smallest of easily filled holes might be worth quickly determining the gusset locations on the exterior.

I too am curious about any performance difference you witness with the new track positions.Testing revealed the 17.5” outboard location to be not only faster, but higher as well.

For those of you who are not aware, Galveston Bay’s Fleet 2, based at Houston Yacht Club, races and sails using the blade all the time.

Best regards,

Bud Brown


ECA Rules Vice Commodore

Vic Roberts



Would you be interested in preparing a short article on this to post on the website?




John Cutler


Yes, I can expand the topic with a little more detail.

i also have a story about rebuilding the 1029's soul (sole) with new white oak stringers.... a pandemic era project in 2022.

hope you are doing well. Thank you for keeping the website going.



John E. Cutler

Past Commodore Ensign Class Association

#1029 - the other woman

Fleet 2 -Fleet Captain

Bd member- HYC Board of Trustees

Chair, House & Grounds Committee

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